Myths About Spirituality
This article was written and published by Faith in Recovery
Spirituality is a beautiful experience, a life lived through faith and not sight. In 2 Corinthians 5:7, the Bible states, “For we live by faith, not sight.” As creations, we are meant to give our worries and stress to God. The duty is more challenging to act upon than say aloud. Still, spirituality helps individuals focus on the human spirit and life rather than the material or physical things of the world. What is spirituality? It’s the connection we make with God and ourselves. It’s faith.
Misconceptions About Spirituality
Storks delivered the babies, so they say. But who produced the storks? As much as life can evolve, the starting point is genuine fascination. Everything is created, and or someone was created first. Spirituality ensures a connection to the energy mastered, ourselves, and most essentially with the creator Himself. So, besides birds dropping babies, what are the other spiritual myths to weary about? Perhaps, these myths are crippling your beliefs or a potential relationship with God.
Myth 1: It Can Be Taught
Religion and faith go hand in hand, but there are significant differences. Faith is true from the heart and spirit, and people act on faith. A person can be religious and not live by the Bible faithfully and only do what they think is necessary to comfort themselves. Sometimes, it’s used as an escape from the world, but faith is a tool to face the challenges. Faith comes from experience, belief, and seeking through prayer and internal relationships.
Myth 2: You Get Rewarded for Being Good
Although making a conscious effort to perform well in life and be kind to others establishes lovely character, it’s not the foundation for spirituality. A person will show their faith through works, but this does not mean they will not sin. Everyone sins. We are born into original sin and walk on corrupted earth. Instead, people can aim to grow their relationship with God, ask for wisdom, and practice their beliefs throughout everyday life. A spiritual awakening can seem like a rollercoaster, but a person will learn so much about themselves in the process.
Myth 3: After Death, A Person Goes to Heaven or Hell Straight Away
If one does not have faith, going to hell directly after death is a terrifying thought. Especially since hell is made up to be full of fire, brimstone, and a devil with a pointy tail and a pitchfork. Truthfully, the Bible speaks about there being a judgment day.
Hell is not eternal, but Heaven is, and people can accomplish eternal life simply through faith. Hell reflects God’s image more so as a just and righteous God who will not suffer His creations forever. However, He does mention punishment for those who live a life of complete sin with no direction or desire to know Him.
Myth 4: Materialism Is Evil
There are many myths about spirituality; another one is that money is evil. In Timothy 6:10, the Bible explains, “For the love of money is the root to all kinds of evil.” A rich man may only see money as a tool, but a poor person will become fixated and crave to become rich for selfish reasons.
Of course, everyone is different, but the love for money is the root of evil. Acquiring money for charity and survival brings no spiritual issues. Only when a person begins to lack character and grants most or all energy to making money does it hinder personal growth.
Overall Myths About Spirituality
Spiritual belief is a beautiful view and experience in life, granting an entirely new perception and approach to the world and other people. Although spiritual warfare happens due to temptations, poor decision making, or loss of self, there is always hope. There is no need to worry about the future since it’s far. Stay present and aware of the people around you and how you are treating them.
Spirituality can open many doors since it’s full of positive thinking and expresses contentment and joyfulness. Spirituality is not a walk in the park, and there are difficult times and situations that will test a person’s emotions. Practice being the best version of yourself, and don’t stop looking up!