Our 30 Day Program serves those men age 18 and older who are suffering from substance use disorder. During the introduction to the recovery phase residents focus on developing a solid foundation. The 30 days focus on developing new and healthy routines as residents are required to follow a comprehensive schedule including clinical individual and group counseling, addiction education lectures, 12 step meetings, biblical recovery studies, relapse prevention, life-skills classes, peer recovery mentoring, chapel services and recreation, residential recovery housing (room and board).
Because we know 1 in 3 households are affected by addiction, and addiction impacts the whole family, Faith Recovery offers Family Enrichment. Through educational classes, counseling referrals, family member group sessions, and family activities, we want to facilitate the healing process in the entire family.
What Other Are Saying
I was an addict for 12 years. I had been to 4 other rehabs. I found what I was missing at (Faith Recovery)– a relationship with God! –Ashley, FR Participant
2 years ago...I was broken. I was hopeless. I was homeless. FR gave me hope. –Nic, FR Graduate
Contact Us
Faith Recovery
325 Ewell Road
Williamsburg, VA 23188
(757) 244-1234
325 Ewell Road, Williamsburg, VA 23188
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