8 Tips for Successful Addiction Recovery

How decision fatigue affects willpower and self-control

Recent research on the topic of willpower shows that we, as human beings, have limited decision-making capacity. That is, in any given day, we may simply run out of the mental energy that is required to make decisions. Researcher Roy Baumeister, PhD calls this depletion of mental energy “decision fatigue.”

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Finding Support For Family Members

Watching a loved one battle addiction is painful. Connecting with peers can help.

Addiction is a family disease. Watching a person you love struggle with substance abuse is grueling. If you live with them, you’re brought into the cycle of unpredictable or dangerous behavior brought about by substance use. Even if you live separately, the constant concern for your family member or friend’s wellbeing can take a toll.

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8 Things People in Recovery Do On A Daily Basis

Before recovery, it’s safe to say our lives mimicked a tornado. Our relationships were strained, our finances were poor, and we were in losing a battle between our substance of choice and our emotional welfare no matter what we did. As we began to bridge the gap from addiction to sobriety, we gained some sort of assemblance. Our new way of life was now full new color, scents, sounds, and most importantly, tools to help keep it that way.

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